授業でよくある間違いトップ10: 第10位

By Gareth Macdonald 2023/11/10

授業でよくある間違いトップ10: 第10位



  • Gareth: So Taro, you went to Thailand recently, right?
  • Taro: Yes that’s right.
  • Gareth: So did you have a good trip?
  • Taro: Yeah, I enjoyed. The beaches were amazing and the weather was great.
  • Gareth: Nice! And how was the food?


正解は“I enjoyed”です。これは日本人が英語を話すときによく間違えるのですが、解かりやすいのでご安心を。日本語では「楽しかった!」という一言で旅行を楽しんだことを表すことができます。日本語はなんて便利な言葉なんでしょう。英語はいつも長ったらしいですよね!

90%の状況ではenjoyの後に目的語を置く、もしくは 再帰代名詞を置く必要があります。先ほどの会話に当てはめると2通りの文章が考えられます。

  • I enjoyed. → I enjoyed it. (it being the trip in this case)
  • I enjoyed. → I enjoyed myself


Thanks for an event
  • Thanks for the BBQ on Sunday, we enjoyed ourselves very much.
Hoping that your guest had a good time
  • I hope you enjoyed yourself tonight, we certainly had a good time.
Asking about hobbies and everyday things
  • Do you enjoy cooking? ← * notice we use the -ing form of the verb after enjoy*
Using the verb and the 'ing' form of the verb
  • I enjoy going to onsens very much, especially in winter.
Combining a reflexive pronoun and 'ing' form of the verb
  • We enjoyed ourselves cycling around the Osu area last Sunday.


Wishing Taro a good skiing trip
  • Taro: We are off to Nagano skiing this weekend.
  • Gareth: Wow sounds awesome. Enjoy!
But of course you can also say
  • Taro: We are off to Nagano skiing this weekend.
  • Gareth: Wow sounds awesome. Enjoy yourselves!

これでこれからは友達や同僚と、またはレッスンで英語を話すときにenjoy という動詞を正しく使えるようになるのではないでしょうか。

