(動詞+ ing)は、今起こっていることだけに使われるの?Verb with ing is not only used for actions happening right now?








(動詞+ ing)は、話している時に起こっていることを表すために使われます。冒頭でお伝えした通り、日本の中学校で、これはしっかりと教えられています。いくつか例文をご覧ください。

Let's read and learn!

I’m sorry, I’m having dinner now, can I call you back later?

Oh, look at that guy walking over there. His jacket is quite cool.

Shh please keep quiet…...the baby is sleeping.


(動詞+ ing)は今この瞬間ではないけれど、近ごろ起こっていることを表すときにも使われます。理解を深めるために、例文をいくつかご紹介します。

Let's read and learn!

So Carina, what are you reading these days? (I am asking her now and she is not reading anything right now)

I’m going to China next year so I’m learning Chinese (I’m not in Chinese class now)

He is having a hard time with maths at school so we are going to send him to extra classes on the weekend. (he is not at school now.)


永続的と感じることには現在形を使うことに対し、進行形は一時的な状況に使う傾向があります。この用法には個人の主観がかなり入ります。いつもではありませんが、よく「these days」「this_ _ _」「at the moment」等の言葉と使われます。例文をご覧ください。

Let's read and learn!

This Olympics, we are focusing on helping athletes with their mental state. (not every Olympics)

Where are you living at the moment?

I’m living in Portland for the next two years.

He is working very hard these days. (maybe he doesn’t always work hard)



Let's read and learn!

The earth’s climate is changing due to greenhouse gases.

It’s getting colder, isn’t it?

Nagakute and Miyoshi are growing rapidly.

The Japanese population is decreasing.



Gareth and Noriko

They are chatting about their plans tomorrow

Learn from this conversation!
Gareth: So Noriko, what are you doing tomorrow?
Noriko: In the morning I’m having tea with a friend, and then in the afternoon I’m watching a movie with a friend. How about you Gareth?
Gareth: I'm going shopping in Sakae in the morning. After that I'm having lunch with a friend of mine in Osu.
Noriko: Sounds great, have a good time!

Brian and Haruna

They are chatting in the office about next week.

Learn from this conversation!
Brian: Hi, Haruna how are things?
Haruna: Hi Brian, yeah good thanks and you?
Brian: Great thanks. By the way Haruna, I was wondering what your plans were for next week Monday
Haruna: Monday next week? Let me check my schedule. In the morning I'm doing some translation and then in the afternoon I'm having a meeting with Carina.
Brian: Ok great thanks. If you have time, could we have a meeting after your meeting?
Haruna: Yes, sure. How about 4:30pm?
Brian: That would be perfect, thanks.
Haruna: Sure! See you on Monday. Have a good weekend.





期間: 2024年9月9日 ~ 2024年10月8日
