“forget to do” と “forget doing” は何が違う?So what is the difference between forget to do and forget doing?




to forget

to forget to do [something]


さて、生徒さんからの質問ですが、それはこのような質問でした。「“forget to do something“と“forget doing something”の違いは何かと弟から聞かれたのですが、はっきり答えられませんでした!教えてもらえますか?」非常に良い質問ですね!



Let's read and learn!

I forgot to check the fish that I was grilling in the oven. Now it is burnt black and the whole lounge smells so fishy.

She forgot to do her Math homework so her teacher was not happy with her.

Please make sure you don’t forget to lock the door when you leave.

これらの例文から分かるように、“forget to do something”は、何かをするつもりだったけれど、覚えていなかったために、それをしなかったという場合に使われます。上記のうち2つの例文はまさにそのような状況を表しています。





John and Sarah in the office


Learn from this conversation!
Sarah: Hey, morning John, how are you doing?
John: Mmm….honestly not great Sarah.
Sarah: Oh sorry to hear that, what’s the problem?
John: I forgot to submit my receipts for my transportation this month and Kenichi is pretty annoyed with me.
Sarah: Oh right, yes, he doesn’t like it when staff forget to do things like that. I did exactly the same thing last year. He was pretty angry with me but after a few days he was fine.
John: Oh really? Thanks for telling me that, I was feeling bad. I’m glad that I’m not the only one who has forgotten to submit my receipts.
Sarah: No, not at all, lot’s of us have done it. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine in a few days.
John: Oh good, I’m glad to hear that. Anyway, enough about me and my problems. How are you Sarah?


to forget doing [something]


Let's read and learn!

Oh no! I forgot opening the window in the kitchen. We had a storm last night and now the kitchen floor is covered with water.

My father forgot watching that movie until he saw the final scene. Then he realized that he had watched it a long time ago.

I will never forget traveling down through Africa in my twenties. Such a wonderful experience.




そして最後の例文は、何かとても印象的なことについて話すときに使う、非常に一般的な構文です。“I will never forget.........ing.........”はネイティブが非常によく使うので、覚えておくとよいでしょう。これは、その経験がとても素晴らしいものであった、あるいは恐ろしいものであったので、今後も忘れることはできないだろう、という意味になります。


Miyuki and Klaus


Learn from this conversation!
Miyuki: Tony seems to be upset about something you said to him last night at the party.
Klaus: Oh really. That’s too bad. What did I say?
Miyuki: He says that you said the car he drives is not a nice color.
Klaus: What? Really? I said that? I don’t think so.
Miyuki: Well, he said that you did.
Klaus: Mmmm let me think. Oh that’s right. I drank a little too much and I forgot saying that I didn’t like metallic blue cars. Now I remember! I forgot that his car was metallic blue….. Oh no, that is very careless of me.
Miyuki: Yeah, he is quite upset.
Klaus: I will have to apologize to him. Thanks for letting me know.

Hans and Lei


Learn from this conversation!
Lei: Hi Hans, nice to see you are back safely from your holiday to Italy. How was it?
Hans: Hey Lei, yeah it was fantastic. Thanks for asking.
Lei: So which cities did you go to?
Hans: It was a short trip so we only had time to go to Rome and Ferenze actually.
Lei: Oh but they are both fantastic cities, aren’t they?
Hans: Yes they are really great. So it sounds like you have visited them before?
Lei: Yes, I went with my husband on our honeymoon. So many wonderful sights in both cities! I will never forget walking into Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. It was the most magnificent thing I have ever seen!
Hans: Yes, I totally agree. Saint Peter's Basilica was one of my favorite places as well.


I forgot opening the window in the kitchen —> I forgot that I had opened the window in the kitchen before I went to bed.

My father forgot watching that movie → My father forgot that he had watched that movie……


  1. to forget
  2. to remember
  3. to stop
  4. to start


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